Our Vision
Project context
Kaban Green Power Hub is located near Ravenshoe in the Atherton Tablelands, 80 km south-west of Cairns.
The site was chosen because it is very windy and is located next to a 275kV high voltage transmission line which ensures the energy can rapidly be exported into the grid.
The 1,300 hectare site, which is on Jirrbal country and ranges over five freehold rural properties will have a relatively low visual impact on the surrounding community because it is surrounded on three sides by State Forests.
Lying at the northern fringe of the national network, Far North Queensland is in a weak part of the grid and doesn’t have many power generation plants, however once the 157 MW wind farm is operating it will help to improve the strength of the grid system, as well as generating clean, affordable energy for Queenslanders.

Cultural Heritage
The Jirrbal people are the Traditional Owners (TO’s) of the land on which Kaban Green Power Hub is located are the Wabubadda Aboriginal Corporation (WAC) is the prescribed body corporate (PBC) representing the Jirrbal people.
The Jirrbal people maintain a strong connection to their country with many families still living and working on country.
The Jirrbal country between Atherton to Kirrama Homestead and from Milaa Milaa to Innot Hot Springs is under registered native title claims, the latest of which (made in 2015) is awaiting determination by the Federal Court of Australia.
In 2017, Neoen conducted a preliminary Cultural Heritage Assessment which identified the Jirrbal people as the Traditional Owners and since then the successful Neoen and Jirrbal negotiation has led to the executing of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) registered with the Queensland Government’s Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP) in 2019.
Neoen has been working closely with transmission network provider Powerlink Queensland, as well as CleanCo and the Queensland Government to establish the state’s first renewable energy zone (REZ).
The northern Queensland Renewable Energy Zone is a large area stretching between Mackay and Cairns encompassing the northern most extent of Powerlink’s transmission network.
Kaban is the cornerstone project for the REZ as the transmission line upgrade will enable greater reliability and allow other projects to come on line in the future.

Kaban has a power purchase agreement with CleanCo to provide clean energy for Queensland. The project will contribute energy towards CleanCo meeting its target of 1 GW of new renewable energy generation by 2025.
CleanCo was created with Queensland’s most flexible and responsive generation assets to help improve electricity affordability and support the transition to clean energy in a way that drives regional growth and jobs.
It aims to achieve its 2025 target by building, owning and operating renewable energy projects and supporting investment in other new renewable energy projects, which can be firmed by its low-emission, dispatchable generation assets. CleanCo will use this capability to supply reliable clean energy products tailored to large commercial and industrial customers at competitive prices.

Why we need Kaban
Renewable energy project such as Kaban keep the lights on in Queensland.
Energy to power around 95,905 homes
No greenhouse gas emissions
Cleaner air