The following notice is published pursuant to Section 95B(2) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
Neoen Australia Pty Ltd proposes to develop the Kaban Green Power Hub at Kaban, north Queensland.
The proposed action is a controlled action under the EPBC Act. The matters protected by a provision of Part 3 of the EPBC Act include:
- Listed threatened species and communities (section 18 and section 18A of the EPBC Act)
- Listed migratory species (section 20 and section 20A of the EPBC Act).
The Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Energy has advised the project will be assessed by Preliminary Documentation.
Preliminary documentation relating to the proposal is on display from 6 January 2020 at the following locations:
- In electronic form at: https://kabangreenpowerhub.com.au/news
- In hard copy form at the Tablelands Regional Council at 45 Mabel Street, Atherton, QLD, 4883
- In hard copy form at the State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre, Stanley Place, Southbank, Brisbane, QLD, 4101.
Persons with special needs (i.e. for whom English is a second language or who has a vision impairment) may contact Jang Kim on +61 (0) 491 217 132 or and ask for assistance in accessing the material.